Where is the highest percentage of millionaires in Texas? This list might surprise you.

By Elizabeth Rhodes

While you may assume that most of the nation’s millionaires flock to cities like New York and Los Angeles — and many of them do — the cities with the highest percentages of the super wealthy are much smaller.

According to new data from the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. metro area with the highest concentration of millionaires is Los Alamos. In that New Mexico town, there are 912 households with more than $1 million in assets — 11.6 percent of the area’s population.

Second on the list is Summit Park, Utah, with 9.6 percent of the population holding more than $1 million in assets.

Houston-The Woodlands comes in as the fifth in Texas for millionaires — No. 133 in the nation — with 120,841 millionaire households, making up almost 5.5 percent of the overall population.

In Texas, Fredericksburg has the highest percentage of millionaires, where 701 households with more than $1 million in assets makes up nearly 6.5% of the area’s population. (Fredericksburg come in at No. 47 on the national list.)

Kerrville is No. 2 on the Texas list, with millionaires making up nearly 6 percent of the area’s population. Other Texas cities in the rankings include Midland at No. 7, Austin-Round Rock at No. 8, Brenham at No. 9 and Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington at No. 10 in the state.

In the national list Washington, D.C., home to countless government officials and lobbyists, is No. 2, where 195,639 households with assets of at least $1 million make up 8.8 percent of the area’s population.

California-Lexington Park, Md. comes in at No. 4, Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Conn. ranks No. 5 and Torrington, Conn. ranks No. 6.

The nation’s most populous cities,weren’t very close to the top of the list. New York-Newark ranked No. 50 overall and Los Angeles-Long Beach came in at No. 123.

From houston.culturemap.com; Elizabeth Rhodes, 02/02/2015