Heartland Enterprises
Dave Campbell was with a large corporation when he decided he’d rather own his own business. That decision led him to Heartland Enterprises, a Fredericksburg company founded in 1986. Dave purchased the company in 1997 and has been here ever since. “It was just dumb luck that I ended up in Fredericksburg where the quality of life is exceptionally high.” Heartland employs approximately 50 people and specializes in the production machining of large parts, in a variety of materials. The company has skilled, company-trained employees who are happy to make Heartland a career. Employee turn-over is very low because employees enjoy living in Fredericksburg and have no interest in going elsewhere. “Fredericksburg is very business friendly. It’s a quality place to live and work in every sense. People are actively involved in the community, and that makes for first-rate institutions, such as our Top 100 hospital, and our excellent public school system.” Rich cultural opportunities combine with Fredericksburg’s original German heritage to make a unique and very livable community.