Grape Creek Vineyards
Brian Heath moved to Fredericksburg in 2001. A charming small town with big-time resources and amenities appealed to all his senses, and in 2006 he purchased Grape Creek Vineyards from the founder’s heirs. Since then, wine production has grown ten-fold, largely due to Gillespie County’s thriving wine industry. Grape Creek now has three locations, and is one of the largest wineries in the State. Brian credits the Gillespie County Economic Development Commission, the Fredericksburg Convention and Visitor Bureau and the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce among others, with raising awareness of the attractiveness of Fredericksburg. “There is a strong, forward-looking business community here that diligently maintains the quaint, historical appeal. I don’t know all the ingredients, but I know it’s a great recipe that uses a lot of ‘Texas Hospitality.’ Smart, experienced business people are coming to town all the time. It reminds me of what I think the business climate was in the U.S. 50 or 100 years ago.”